Tv Appearances


New data on COVID-19 || Dr. Al Johnson on CBS Dallas/Fort Worth

⭐️ Burns pits from Iraq and Afghanistan are killing our Veterans

Dr. Al Johnson speaking about mold on national TV on 4/1/19

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Treats Serious Medical Conditions (4/11/18)

⭐️Flu is On The Rise on 2018

Head Lice Transferred Through Halloween Costumes

The movie Concussion with Will Smith

United States Marine Blake Watson

⭐️Dr. Al Johnson on television in Dallas/Fort Worth on 1/15/17

⭐️Hyperbaric treatment for traumatic brain injuries

⭐️Contact Dermatitis possible for flight attendants new outfits

Top 5 Surprising Health Myths

6/18/15 → Hyperbaric Centers of Texas on national TV News

3/20/15 → Doctor of Internal Medicine Al Johnson on TV News

3/19/15 → Doctor of Internal Medicine Al Johnson on TV News

Radio Appearances


Seasonal allergies or COVID-19? | Talk Radio WBAP Dallas/Fort Worth | 4/18/22

10 27 21 Dr AlJohnson on Talk Radio WIOD broadcasting in Miami

Is the COVID-19 vaccine safe for people with pre-existing allergies? | Dr. Al Johnson

Should people with food allergies take the COVID-19 vaccine? | Dr. Al Johnson

President Trump, Melania, and Hope Hicks have tested positive for COVID

The difference between allergies, the flu, and COVID

Keeping your brain healthy and active || Dr. Al Johnson

Can we trust the reported COVID case numbers || Dr. Al Johnson

Bolstering your immune system amid COVID-19 || Dr. Al Johnson

The allergy season this year is hitting harder than ever before || 570 KLIF Dallas/Fort Worth

This Flu season is looking to be a nasty one || 740 KTRH Houston || 9/20/19

If you drink water in plastic bottles you're also ingesting the plastic || Part 2 of 3

If you drink water in plastic bottles you're also ingesting the plastic || Part 3 of 3

If you drink water in plastic bottles you're also ingesting the plastic || Part 1 of 3

⭐️ Hyperbaric Centers of Texas || Michael Black and Dr. Al Johnson

Hyperbaric Centers of Texas


⭐️Hyperbaric treatment for traumatic brain injuries

Hyperbaric Centers of Texas | Jimmy Faul's Story

Oxygen therapy used for 2 year old Elleana

La Historia de Pilar Olave

Pilar Olave's Story

The movie Concussion with Will Smith

Peter Yiannikouros is a patient of Dr. Al Johnson

Gita Patel's husband uses Hyperbaric Centers of Texas for his brain injury

Harriet Reisman-Snyder uses Hyperbaric Centers of Texas for mold exposure

6/18/15 → Hyperbaric Centers of Texas on national TV News

Hyperbaric Centers of Texas featured on TV in Dallas

Hyperbaric Centers of Texas on national TV - 2/1/14

Patti Palmer - 8/6/13

Grace Guardado at Hyperbaric Centers of Texas


Michael Ross testimonial | Hyperbaric Centers of Texas

Patti Palmer - 12/5/13

Harriet Reisman-Snyder uses Hyperbaric Centers of Texas for mold exposure

Peter Yiannikouros is a patient of Dr. Al Johnson

Pilar Olave's Story

Hyperbaric Centers of Texas | Jimmy Faul's Story

La Historia de Pilar Olave